Safety, Education and Instruction Council Position Description - ACA

SEIC Position Description

Safety, Education, and Instruction Council (SEIC) – Elected Volunteer Position Description 


The Safety, Education and Instruction Council’s mission is to develop and implement effective paddlesports safety, education, and instructional programs and materials that inform, train, and serve the public at all skill levels and in all aspects of paddlesports. The SEIC Board shall represent the interests of Instructors, Instructor Trainers, Instructor Trainer Educators, and SEIC Discipline Committees to the ACA National Board of Directors.  

Roles & Responsibilities 

SEIC positions play critical roles in promoting safety, education, and instruction within local, regional, national, and international paddlesports communities. The SEIC consists of the executive committee, discipline committees, and other elected representatives. The roles and responsibilities of an SEIC voting member require collaborative work with other elected committee members to: 

  • Create and implement comprehensive safety and education programs  
  • Ensure accessibility across all skill levels and disciplines  
  • Oversee major paddlesports safety, education, and instructional programs and initiatives  
  • Ensure SEIC initiatives comply with ACA National Bylaws and Board directives  
  • Review, discuss, and vote upon relevant SEIC motions, decisions, and applications 
  •  Attend virtual discipline committee and/or SEIC Board meetings 


  • Must be a current ACA and SEIC member and a certified Instructor, Instructor Trainer, or Instructor Trainer Educator in good standing 
  • Commitment to paddlesports safety, education, and instruction  
  • Strong communication, collaboration, and organizational skills  

Term and Election Process 

  • SEIC Executive Committee Officers are elected in the fall even-numbered years, serving terms as per the SEIC Operational Procedures 
  • SEIC Discipline Committee members and officers are elected in the fall of odd-numbered years as per the SEIC Operational Procedures 
  • The SEIC Chair is elected by SEIC Board and is then placed on the ACA Board of Directors Ballot 
  • Discipline Committee representatives, officers, and vacancies are filled by ballot and voted upon by appropriately certified ACA Instructors, Instructor Trainers, and Instructor Trainer Educators