Member Benefits - ACA

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Member Benefits

Support the ACA!

As a member of the ACA, you join the ranks of tens of thousands of people who support safe, enjoyable paddling, and the protection of America’s recreational waterways. Some of the tangible and intangible benefits of supporting the nation’s oldest paddlesport organization.

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Member Benefits

Subaru VIP Haggle-Free Pricing

To participate in this program, all qualified participants must receive an approved VIP Retailer Visit Authorization form PRIOR to contacting a Subaru retailer.

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Expert Voice

ACA Members are eligible to receive deep discounts on outdoor products through ExpertVoice! Enjoy deals on over 650+ outdoor brands!

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Paddling or Kayak Angler Magazine

A premium digital subscription to your choice of one of Rapid Media’s two great titles! Upon joining or renewing choose your premium digital magazine subscription.

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Monthly Newsletter

To accompany your morning cup of coffee, the ACA National Office serves up the latest paddlesports news each and every month!

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Summer Solstice Celebration

To celebrate all that is paddling, we are providing opportunities to connect with your community and reflect on what draws us to the water.

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Regional Activity Council (RAC)

The Regional Activity Council (RAC) is providing a voice for ACA members through a network of community! It is a great way to get help with local paddling issues that matter to you, find volunteer opportunities, and connect with other passionate paddlers!

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One of the many benefits of being affiliated with the ACA is our ability to provide liability insurance for on-water events.

ACA eStore

ACA member discount on eStore purchases.

Camp Sebago

The ACA has a beautiful family-oriented camp on Lake Sebago near Sloatsburg, New York, 32 miles north of New York City in Harriman State Park. It has been a facility of the ACA for over seven decades.

Sugar Island

Sugar Island is located in the heart of the Thousand Islands in Gananoque, Ontario Canada, which is an international tourism destination near the St. Lawrence Islands National Park.

Additional Member Benefits

Member Only Discounts

An ever increasing list of organizations that have extended a discount to ACA members.

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L.L.Bean - Club Fostered Community Grant

CFC grants are available for projects that utilize volunteers in efforts to protect, maintain or restore recreational waterways, to provide for or improve public access, or to enhance safe navigation.


Our paddling community explores waterways from small streams to the sea, making paddlers stakeholders and potential stewards of all waterways.

Educational Resources

Access to Paddlesport Safety and Educational Videos, Online Paddlesports Coursework, Participation and Accident Statistics, Pamphlets, and more.

Public Policy Initiatives

The ACA is the primary organization advocating on behalf of paddlers at the local, state, and federal levels on a range of public policy issues pertinent to paddlers.