2020 National Award Nominations Now Being Accepted - ACA
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Aug 3, 2020

2020 National Award Nominations Now Being Accepted


Each year, the ACA presents a series of prestigious national awards to individuals and organizations who have illustrated exemplary leadership, service, and dedication to various aspects of paddlesports.

We are accepting nominations for the following award categories:

  • Excellence in Instruction
  • Sanctioned Event of the Year
  • Green Paddle for Waterway Conservation
  • Joe Pina Volunteer of the Year
  • The J. Henry Rushton Award (for Organizational Excellence)

Nominations for the 2020 ACA National Awards are due by Sunday, September 27th.

For more information, and to submit a nomination, please visit: www.americancanoe.org/awards

Thank you for assisting us in recognizing excellence in the paddling community! Be sure to check out our 2020 Virtual Conference and Annual Membership Meeting, to be held in October, where will will announce and honor the winners of these honorable awards!