The 2022 Sprint Nationals will be held August 1-5 in Clermont County, Ohio.
These dates were selected based on the Sprint coaches’ request to hold this event during the first two weeks of August and the availability of the venue.
As an added bonus, the Ohio River Paddle Fest is scheduled for Saturday, August 6 in Clermont County, OH. What a great opportunity to show our sport to the recreation paddlers by joining in Paddle Fest. Here is a link for the Paddle Fest website. Registration for 2022 is not currently open, but the website has lots of information about past Paddle Fests. Tamara Adelberg will be sending out more information in the coming days regarding Nationals and Paddle Fest, as well as working on getting a discounted registration fee for our ACA competition members who wish to join in the Paddle Fest Race.
Please reach out to Tamara at with any questions.