Level 4: Open Water Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment - ACA

Upcoming Events

03.26.22 – 03.27.22

Level 4: Open Water Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment

Marin Headlands, California, USA

L4 Open Water Coastal Kayak Skills Training & Assessment | Marin, CA | March 26-27, 2021 | $270 USD

This course is for sea kayakers who would like to have their personal skills and technical knowledge assessed against a national standard. The Level 4 Skills Assessment is also the prerequisite for those wishing to pursue the ACA’s Level 4 Open Water Coastal Kayak Trip Leader or Instructor Certification. Participants who successfully pass the skills assessment will have this accomplishment recorded with the ACA.

This 2-day course will comprise an assessment of paddling skills and technical knowledge. You will receive coaching (as needed) and be challenged with performing specific skills and tasks in authentic Level 4 conditions.

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Contact Information Laura Zulliger