Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE) - ACA

Upcoming Events

10.06.23 – 10.12.23

Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)

Durham, Maine, USA

This is a 6 day L-3 ICW with one day off in the middle.

Note: it is possible to attend only the first 3 days for an IDW or the last 3 days for the ICE (If you have already passed the Skills Assessment and taken the IDW, or are a currently certified L-2 Instructor with an L3 Skills assessment.

Course Prerequisites: Must have successfully completed a Level 3: Coastal Kayak Skills Assessment or
Level 3: Coastal Kayak Trip Leader Assessment

Note: We are offering an L3 Skills Assessment on September 10th, 2023.

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Contact Information Bob Myron