Level 2: Coastal Navigation Skills 2 Skills Course - ACA

Upcoming Events

06.17.23 – 06.18.23

Level 2: Coastal Navigation Skills 2 Skills Course

East End Beach, Eastern Promenade Trail, Portland, ME, USA

Learn navigation skills during our weekend workshop in Maine with Portland Paddle!

Navigation Weekend focuses on the core skills necessary to navigate on coastal waters, especially when paddling in challenging conditions like those common in Maine, such as strong winds, swift currents, and fog. Students will learn various approaches to navigating with a chart and compass and gain firsthand experience using these skills while paddling on Casco Bay. They will learn and practice taking bearings, dead reckoning, triangulation, crossing boat channels, paddling in low visibility and using aids to navigation.

After gaining familiarity with the key navigation tools, resources, and skills during the first day of the course, students will plan a trip for the second day that will give them opportunities to practice what they have learned. All are invited to an optional dinner on the first evening of the course.

Registration Link

Contact Information Eric Nathanson