Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course - ACA
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01.13.24 – 01.13.24

Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course

Columbia, TN, USA

Jump Start your paddling season. Learn to kayak or improve your kayaking skills this winter while dreaming of warm summer paddling.

This is an indoor class utilizing the pool at Muletown Rec in Columbia, TN. The first half of the session is classroom based and will cover these and other topics: PFDs (lifejackets), safety equipment, weather/water considerations, and trip planning. The second half of the session is in the pool with a focus on strokes and self-rescue. Enjoy the clean, clear water and controlled environment of learning these kayaking skills in a pool.

All our classes use a challenge by choice philosophy so if you are not comfortable getting in the water or practicing a particular skill just let your instructor know.

Cost of Class: $100 per person. This includes classroom instruction, kayaks for the pool session, use of the pool for the class, and pool instruction. Lunch is not provided.

Location: Muletown Rec, 1446 Oak Springs Dr, Columbia, TN 38401

Class Time: 9 am to 3 pm

What to Bring and Wear:
• For the classroom session wear comfortable casual clothes.
• For the pool session dress to get wet such as a swimsuit, swim trunks, or shorts.
• We will provide lifejackets for the pool; the pool chemicals can be hard on lifejackets so we will have life jackets available.
• Towel
• Lunch, water bottle, snacks
• Clothes to change into after pool session and toiletries if you want to shower after the pool session.

What to Expect: The pool session is physically active. You should plan to get in the water; however, we use a challenge by choice philosophy so if you are uncomfortable or incapable of practicing a certain skill just let your instructor know.

Minimum Class size: four participants

Minimum Age Requirement: 10 years old and up

Weather Conditions: If there is inclement weather that prevents Muletown Rec from opening the day of the class we will contact participants via text message as soon as that decision is made. You will be contacted at the number provided during your registration.

Contact Information for this Class:

Higher Pursuits LLC
(931) 840-8575


Learn More

Contact Information Dawn Nelson
(931) 840-8575