08.22.24 – 08.25.24 | 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Level 2: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Fort Myers, FL, USA
Level 2 Coastal Kayaking ICW participants are expected to already have acquired and successfully met the Level 2 Coastal Kayaking skills listed in the Level 2 Assessor’s Guide on the ACA website. Candidates will develop assessing, teaching and leadership skills to provide safe and effective learning experiences to their students. The ICW will provide the instructor candidate the opportunity to develop, practice, and refine teaching Level 2 Coastal Kayaking skills. This is a four day workshop, and candidates must attend each of the four days to be considered as an instructor. Attendance and participation does not necessitate successful instructor certification., rather the candidate must effectively model the competencies and skills of an Level 2 Coastal Kayaker.
Contact Information Don Ricedrice@olypen.com