Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE) - ACA

Upcoming Events

07.19.21 – 07.21.21

Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)

Westport, Massachusetts, United States

The purpose of this ICW is to provide kayak instructors with the skills and knowledge to plan and deliver, safe, fun, on-water sessions for individuals new to kayaking, or beginner kayakers interested in developing their skill set. Therefore, the focus of the course will be on creating learning environments and making learning happen.  While there will be opportunities to develop and refine personal skills, it is expected that all candidates are able to confidently paddle in the Level 2 Instructional venue and possess the skills outlined in the ACA Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Assessment (https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.americancanoe.org/resource/resmgr/SEI-Courses/L2_EKT_Assessment.pdf).

If you are uncertain about your readiness or would like to participate in a skills assessment prior to the ICW, please contact the staff at Osprey Sea and Surf Adventures (info@ospreyseaandsurf.com).

To register please visit: https://ospreyoutdooradventures.com/ or call (508) 636-0300.

For questions pertaining to the ICW or ACA Certification please contact Todd A Johnstone-Wright at twright@synapticsport.com.

Delivery  Staff:

Todd A Johnstone-Wright
Synaptic Sport/Owner
British Canoeing Level 5 Coach Sea/Level 4 Performance Coach/Coach Educator/Leadership Provider
ACA Level 5 ITE Advanced Open Water
ACA Level 4 IT Whitewater
SOLO Wilderness EMT/SOLO Wilderness Medical Educator
Team Paddler P&H Kayak and NRS

Contact Information Todd Johnstone-Wright