Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment - ACA
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11.02.24 – 11.03.24

Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment

San Francisco, CA, USA

Venue: San Francisco Bay Area, CA (location: Sausalito)
Hosted by: California Watersport Collective
Instructors: Gennifer Gatan (L5) and Peter Donohue (L4)

This course is for sea kayakers who would like to have their personal skills and technical knowledge assessed against a national standard. The Level 3 Skills Assessment is also the prerequisite for those wishing to pursue the ACA’s Level 3 Open Water Coastal Kayak Trip Leader or Instructor Certification. Participants who successfully pass the skills assessment will have this accomplishment recorded with the ACA.
This 2-day course will consist of a formative assessment of personal skills and technical knowledge. You will receive coaching (as needed) and be challenged with performing specific skills and tasks in authentic Level 3 conditions. This course is led by Gennifer Gatan (ACA L5 instructor and BC Sea Leader) and assisted by Peter Donahue (ACA L4 instructor).

The conditions required for the assessment are at least three of the following:

  • 10 – 15 knot winds
  • 1 – 2 foot waves (chop) (0.3 – 0.6 meters)
  • 1 – 2 foot surf (0.3 – 0.6 meters
  • 1 – 2 knots of current

At least 3 of the above conditions must be present during some part of the assessment.
More information regarding the skills assessment including the specific content to be reviewed and assessed, can be found in the ACA’s L3: CK Assessment Criteria.

Contact Information Gennifer Gatan