Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Course - ACA
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09.19.21 – 09.19.21

Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Course

Shilshole Bay Marina, Seaview Avenue Northwest, Seattle, WA, USA

Sea Kayaking Fundamentals is a one-day jump start into the world of sea kayaking or an effective way to prepare for paddling season. Taught by our ACA certified instructors, this course will teach you the kayaking strokes, maneuvers, and rescue techniques to be safe and efficient while on the water.

Visit https://www.ballardkayak.com/ to book a spot in the class.

Topics covered:
Kayaking strokes and maneuvers
• Strokes and maneuvers refinement
• Personal and partner rescue techniques
• Wet exits and re-entry
• Water-based navigation
• Planning your own sea kayaking trip

Contact Information Kyle Thomas
