Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Course - ACA
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10.10.21 – 10.10.21

Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Course

Seattle, WA, USA

Sea Kayaking All-Star Strokes & Efficiency

Are you experienced in kayaking and want to take your skills up a notch? Whether it be paddling more challenging conditions or longer distances, this course will teach you new skills, refine your kayaking strokes and maneuvers, and provide you with noticeable improvement in boat control and confidence on the water. You will also learn activities to take home and practice on your own.

To book your spot or ask a question, contact Kyle Thomas (kyle@ballardkayak.com).

Topics covered:
• Refining your forward stroke and turning strokes
• Low braces / High braces
• Low brace turn / high brace turn
• Draw strokes
• Ruddering strokes
• Sculling
• Side slip

Bring your own kayak or rent a kayak and all necessary gear for an additional $50 for the one-day course. Wet suit or dry suit and other personal accessories are required, but not included in the rental (let us know if you need help sourcing any gear).

For more details visit https://www.ballardkayak.com/classes

Contact Information Kyle Thomas