Level 3: Coastal Stand Up Paddleboarding Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE) - ACA
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04.19.24 – 04.21.24

Level 3: Coastal Stand Up Paddleboarding Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)

Sea Trek Kayak and SUP (Sausalito), Bay Model Visitor Center, Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA, USA

The level 3 coastal instructor certification workshop is an intensive 3 days workshop that will evaluate your coastal paddling skills such as navigation, surf launch, current and tides, and long distance padding. You must have level 2 certification to attend the level 3 workshop. It is typical for folks to take the workshop twice – first time as an instructor development and second time as an instructor certification exam.

This course is hosted by Sea Trek (Sausalito) and taught by Mike Wang. The minimum number of students is 3 and if we have less than that we will cancel the workshop. The maximum number of students is 6.

To sign up for the workshop, please go to www.seatrek.com.

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please email Mike.


Contact Information Mike Wang
