Level 3: Surf Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE) - ACA

Upcoming Events

09.13.24 – 09.15.24

Level 3: Surf Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)

Eugene, OR, USA

Ready to become an ACA Surf Kayak Instructor? The Eugene River House Outdoor Center is partnering with the ACA Surf Kayak Committee to offer this unique opportunity at Level 2 and 3.

The program will take place on the Southern Oregon Coast from Friday, September 13 to Sunday, September 15. Lead instructor will be Eskape Kayak’s Roger Schumann, a long-time surf, SUP, sea kayak, and river educator.

We will be offering an Instructor Trainer (ITDW) track simultaneous with this instructor certification track (ICW). Logistics and cost will be the same.

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Contact Information Roger Schumann