Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course - ACA
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06.15.24 – 06.16.24 | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course

Basalt, CO, USA

This 2-day ACA Swiftwater Rescue course covers identification and avoidance of river hazards, self-rescue, and assisting distressed paddlers. It emphasizes personal safety and basic skills, with training in handling higher-risk scenarios such as strainers and entrapments. Participants practice both individual and team-based skills through scenarios. Skills assessment is included throughout the course. Assessment certificate available for American Canoe Association members (see americancanoe.org for more information). The course is open to all whitewater enthusiasts. Core Competencies: Prevent river accidents. Self-rescue skills. Hazard avoidance through hydrology knowledge. Simple, fast, low-risk incident management. Retrieve swimmers and gear. Advanced rope and water techniques. Utilizing a rescue PFD. Manage rescue scenes within groups.

Included: ACA Level 4 Swiftwater Rescue Certificate of Completion; accepted by most river outfitters, kayak schools, and outdoor programs. Rescue and river gear available upon request Duration: 2-days Location: Basalt Whitewater Park; Roaring Fork River When: June 15th – June 16th, 2024 Prerequisites: 18 years of age or older Competent class II-III boater with solid self-rescue skills

Contact Information Confluence River Instructors
