Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course - ACA
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07.26.24 – 07.28.24

Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course

Benton, TN, USA

Are you prepared to rescue yourself or your best paddling friend? Are they prepared to rescue you? Help in many cases may not be immediately available, and might be hours (not minutes) away. Sign up and bring your favorite paddling crew to this clinic.

Led by ACA certified instructors Jim McCool, Woody Woodall, Charlie Wilkerson, Gary Weatherford and James Parnell this course is designed to teach basic swiftwater rescue techniques where limited personnel and/or safety gear is available. Our instructors have over 50 years combined experience teaching whitewater paddling and swiftwater rescue. They’ve provided instruction to hundreds of individuals and many paddling clubs in Tennessee and Kentucky as well as training Tennessee and National Park Service Rangers, firefighters, other first responders and many more. This clinic will include indoor/outdoor classroom instruction, shore and river skills and realistic scenarios. Successful completion of this course will prepare you to self-rescue and aid in the rescue of others in whitewater environments.

Contact Information Stephanie Sullivan
