Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course - ACA
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01.14.23 – 01.16.23

Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course

Gasquet, CA, USA

Located near the Redwoods on the Smith River in the small town of Gasquet, a lush coastal area of NorCal with pristine teal water and challenging rapids. This is a 3 day course focused on winter boating skills, free camping included, BYO meals.
“Winter” Emphasis placed on safety for cold weather, short days, and high flows.
~ Appropriate layering techniques for under a drysuit.
~ Night scenario included.
~ Hypothermia considerations.
~ Team boating and spacing for fast and continuous flows.
~ Identifying, avoiding, and maneuvering boats over midstream wood hazards.

Register Here

Contact Information Nicole Smedegaard
