Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course - ACA
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04.27.24 – 04.28.24

Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course

Durango, CO, USA

Nothing builds confidence like developing your rescue skills! You can take this American Canoe Association (ACA) curriculum many places, this Swiftwater Rescue Course is designed to meet the needs of river paddlers and paddling instructors.
We’ll help you learn to read rivers carefully in order to identify hazards, develop rescue and prevention strategies and build a tool kit of skills to help you and your paddle partners manage risky situations. While using ropes, rescue vests and other tools of the trade, students and instructors take turns swimming through rough rapids and practicing techniques in a controlled environment, which will help develop a rescue mindset and the hard skills needed for rescue. This may be the most valuable paddling class you’ll ever take!
Completion of the 2-day course entitles students to an ACA participation certificate, accepted by most river outfitters, kayak schools and outdoor programs.

Who: Kayakers, Rafters, SUPers, Packrafters & Whitewater Canoeists
What: A two-day class on the Gunnison River

Dates: April 27-28 (Sat-Sun)
Class runs 8am- 5pm both days.

Cost: $300 for a two-day class. Durango, CO (Course is being run through 4-CRS) https://www.riversports.com/

What to bring: Your own boat (kayak/canoe/raft/SUP) and paddling equipment, any throw ropes, rescue vests or other safety gear you already own. Gear lists and a welcome letter will be sent out prior to the course. The instructor will provide a cross section of rescue gear for you to experiment with.
Prerequisites: Class II boating skills

Dave Bumgarner

Registration & Payment:
4 Corners River Sports

Course questions:
Email: gunnisonkayakprogram@gmail.com


Contact Information David Bumgarner