Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course - ACA
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05.03.24 – 05.05.24

Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course

Canyon River Instruction, County Road 194, Salida, CO, USA

This three day clinic on the Arkansas River near Salida is perfect for commercial and private boaters looking to brush up on their river safety skills. No prerequisites required. Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive an ACA SWR Skill Assessment card suitable for raft guides and other professionals.

Course Overview: The Swiftwater Rescue workshop teaches recognition and avoidance of common river hazards, execution of self-rescue techniques, and rescue techniques for paddlers in distress. Emphasis is placed both on personal safety and on simple, commonly used skills. Fundamental and more advanced techniques for dealing with hazards that carry greater risks for both victim and rescuer, such as strainers, rescue vest applications, entrapments, and pins, also are practiced. Scenarios will provide an opportunity for participants to practice their skills both individually and within a team/group context.

Course Objectives:

  • Promote proactive prevention of river accidents and injuries.
  • Develop and practice key self-rescue skills.
  • Identify and avoid river hazards by understanding hydrology, hazards, and river features.
  • Focus on fast, low-risk strategies for early management of river accidents
  • Develop and practice methods for recovering swimmers, and loose boats and equipment
  • Develop and practice more advanced rope-based and in-water skills
  • Gain experience using the rescue PFD, and understand its strengths and weaknesses
  • Utilize rescue scene management principles needed within a paddling group
More Information / Registration

Contact Information Alan Cammack