Level 4: Whitewater Rafting (Paddle) Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE) - ACA
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03.14.24 – 03.18.24

Level 4: Whitewater Rafting (Paddle) Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)

Lotus California

This is a five day clinic for river runners who wish to become ACA certified Level 4 Raft instructors for both paddle and oar. Located at the Motherlode campus and South Fork of the American River in Lotus, CA. An ACA instructor certification course consists of both the Instructor Development Workshop (IDW) and an Instructor Certification Exam (ICE).

By your participation in this course, it is assumed that you possess and can competently and comfortably demonstrate all of the skills and concepts listed on the Instructor Criteria and Sample Skills documents. This includes demonstrating paddling and rescue proficiency in your chosen river craft in Class III whitewater. An ICW is intended to refine these skills for demonstration quality and give you the tools and framework to effectively communicate these concepts to your students in a dynamic whitewater environment.

This also includes the Guide Certification Endorsement allowing instructors to award guides with a Guide Certification. The Guide Certification Criteria establishes standards in the topics of paddling and/or rowing, identifying hazards & routes in swift current, and an ability to safely captain a whitewater oar or paddle raft with participants.

Please note that there is an additional $70 fee for SEIC dues.

Contact us to sign up!

Contact Information Byron Beers
