Jonas Ecker - ACA
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Jonas Ecker

Hometown Bellingham, Washington
Events MK1 1000m and MK2 500m
Years On Team 6 (since 2018)
Club Bellingham Canoe Kayak Sprint Team
Born 10/26/2002
Schools/Work University of Washington '25
Hobbies skate skiing , backpacking , hiking and cycling

“Organize your life around your dreams and watch them come true” – Purba Chakraborty

  • Olympic Games Icon

    Olympic Games

    Paris 2024 Olympic Games: 8th MK2 500m, 24th MK1 1000m
  • U.S. Nationals

    2019: 1st U18 MK1 1000m,1st U18 MK2 1000m, 1st U18 MK2 200m, 2nd U18 MK1 5000m, 2nd U18 MK1 500m, 2nd U18 MK1 200m

    2018: 1st U16 MK1 5000m, 4th U16 MK1 1000m, 4th U16 MK1 500m, 4th U16 MK1 200m
  • U.S. Team Trials

    2022: 1st MK1 1000m, 1st MK1 500m, 1st MK1 200m
  • World Championships

    2022: 7th MK2 500m, 14th MK1 1000m, 14th MK1 500m

    2022 (U23): 3rd MK2 500m, 15th MK1 1000m

    2021 (U23): 16th MK1 1000m
  • Other

    Pan-American Championships
    2022: 1st MK2 500m, 3rd MK1 1000m

    Gorge Downwind Championships:
    2022: 8th
    Olympic Hopes Regatta
    2019: 3rd U17 MK1 500m,10th U17 MK1 1000m

More about Jonas Ecker

First Strokes

I was introduced to paddling by my mom, a surfski paddler, when she signed me up for the founding summer camp of the Bellingham Canoe Kayak Sprint Team.

Off the Water

When not paddling I can be found studying Marine Biology and Chemistry at the University of Washington, skate skiing, backpacking, hiking, and cycling.