Kaitlyn McElroy - ACA
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Kaitlyn McElroy

Hometown Bethel, Massachusetts
Events Sprint kayak
Years On Team 15 (since 2010)
Club Overholser Kayak Club: Co-Founder, Coach
Born 03/19/1985
Schools/Work School: Oklahoma City University ’23, Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.) , Oklahoma City University, BS Behavioral Studies: 2013 , Bates College, BS Biology: 2008 , Gould Academy, Bethel, ME: 2003 , , Work: U.S. Performance Academy, Learning Coach, Psychology Teacher
Hobbies Find coffee shops , woodworking and sewing

7 Things You Didn't Know About Kaitlyn McElroy

  1. Neuro nerd
  2. Loves coffee
  3. Graceful and coordinated in athletics but not so much otherwise
  4. Competed in a lot of different sports like figure skating, cross country skier in college at Bates (was on the U.S. junior world team), ran steeplechase in college at Bates
  1. Kayaked for OCU when getting her second undergraduate degree
  2. Currently getting her PhD in Clinical Psychology and plans on going into a subfield called sports neuropsychology to help athletes with brain injury and serious mental illness
  3. She runs a kayaking club in Oklahoma City that started in 2017 called Overholser Kayak Club
  • World Cups

    5x World Cup medalist in K-2 1000m

    World Cup 2020 Szeged, Hungary: K-1 1000m, 6th place
  • Other

    2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru: K-2 500m, 4th place
  • USA Team Trials

    2021: K-1 500m, 1st place
  • U.S. National Championships

    20+ National Championship Titles