Nevin Harrison - ACA
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Team Member

Nevin Harrison

Hometown Seattle, Washington
Events Sprint canoe
Years On Team 7 (since 2018)
Club San Diego Canoe & Kayak Team
Born 06/02/2002
Hobbies hiking , surfing , riding motorcycles , going to the beach and traveling

“Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things. Don’t get caught up on what you can’t control. Accept it and make the best of it.”

6 Things You Didn't Know about Nevin Harrison

  1. Nevin plans to major in kinesiology (athletic training) at San Diego State (SDS). Throughout her time at SDS, she plans to train at Mission Bay and Chula Vista.
  2. She has been speaking Spanish fluently since age five.
  3. Nevin lived in Kobe, Japan, for six months when she was eight.
  1. Nevin's father was a theater and opera director in Manhattan, New York, and then became a professor. Her mother was an actress and she now owns a private speech and language pathology clinic in Seattle, Washington.
  2. Nevin's older brother (by a year and a half) is an EMT that is planning to attend paramedic training school in the fall of 2021.
  3. Nevin was a 100 meter and 200 meter sprinter in middle school, but got a hip injury during her freshman year of high school. After this incident, she began canoeing more seriously.


  • Olympic Games Icon

    Olympic Games

    Paris 2024 Olympic Games: 2nd Place WC1 200m

    Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games (2021): Olympic Champion WC1 200m
  • World Championships

    2023 World Championships: 4th WC1 200m

    2022 World Championships: World Champion WC1 200m

    2019 World Championships: World Champion WC1 200m
  • World Cups

    2020 Szeged World Cup: 1st WC1 200m
  • Other Results

    2019 Pan American Games: 1st WC1 200m