Sean Talbert - ACA
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Sean Talbert

Hometown Honolulu, HI
Events MK1 500m , MK2 500m , MK4 500m
Years On Team 7 (since 2018)
Club IKAIKA Hawaii
Born 09/14/2023
Hobbies procrastinating schoolwork , reading , driving fast things and spending time with family

“Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.”


  1. I have a twin brother
  1. I used to canoe (and I'm still lopsided)
  • U.S. Team Trials

    2024: 3rd MK1 500m, 2nd MK2 500m

    2023: 2nd MK1 200m, 3rd MK1 500m, 2nd MK2 500m

    2022: 2nd MK1 200m

    2021: 3rd MK1 200m
  • Other

    Pan American Championships
    2023: 3rd MK4 500m

First Strokes

When I was 11 my parents signed me up for the Ikaika waterman’s camp. At first I dreaded going and begged them to let me stay home but after the first day I was hooked and ended up going back a couple more times. Ended up getting a “scholarship” at the end of my last camp to join the squad team and haven’t looked back since.

Off the Water

I mostly procrastinate schoolwork, sometimes I get it done. I work on cars, read books, and watch Instagram reels for hours. I hang out with family and friends and go on an occasional hike.