Blake Haxton - ACA
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Blake Haxton

Hometown Columbus, Ohio
Events VL2 200m
Years On Team 5 (since 2019)
Club San Diego Rowing Club
Born 12/17/1990
Schools/Work School: The Ohio State University B.S., JD, , Work: Member of the High Yield Credit Team at Brandywine Global Asset Management
Hobbies reading books on history and sports

“When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves” – V. Frankl

One thing you didn't know about Blake.

  1. I will be going to the Tokyo Olympics for Paralympic Rowing and Paracanoe. In 2021, I qualified in both events and only recently training in paracanoe in 2019, and full-time in the summer of 2020. 
  • Olympics Icon


    2016 Rio Olympics: 4th place (rowing)
  • World Championships

    2019 World Championships: VL2 200m, Final B 3rd place
  • World Cups

    2021, Szeged: VL2 200m, 4th place (Paralympic Qualifier)

More on Steven Blake Haxton

Blake has represented Team USA as a member of the Para-Rowing team (2014-2021) and Para-Canoe team (2019-2023) and at 2016 and 2020 Paralympic Games, winning a silver medal in the VL2 paracanoe in Tokyo. Blake placed 3rd at the 2023 world championships and qualified the United States for the 2024 Paralympic Games.
Blake is a member of the High Yield Credit team at Brandywine Global Asset Management and in his spare time enjoys reading books on history and sports.