Washington State Boater Registration Card Hearing - ACA
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Jan 22, 2021

Washington State Boater Registration Card Hearing

On Wednesday, January 20th, ACA Washington State Director, Brent Roth, submitted oral testimony to the Washington State Legislature in a hearing regarding a statute amendment that would legally mandate all human powered paddlers pay a ten-dollar fee, and pass an exam, to obtain a boater registration card. The amendment is aimed at enhancing paddler safety. The ACA submitted written testimony, along with Mr. Roth’s testimony, in opposition of the amended statue. Please following the links below to read the written testimony submitted to the legislature, and to listen to Mr. Roth’s oral testimony.

Written testimony can be found here.

If you’d like to watch the zoom meeting, please click here:


Brent Roth’s testimony within the video begins at 1 hour and 23 minutes.