03.19.22 – 03.19.22
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking: Basic Strokes and Rescues Skills Course
Charleston, SC, USA
Part of a series of progressive training for Level 3 coastal kayaking training led by L4 Coastal Kayaking Instructor: Bev Cosslett. Students are invited to take 1, 2 or all 3 classes in this series of L3 skills classes, as well as, an L3 Skills Assessment.
This class will focus on Refinement of strokes and maneuvers.
This class is available for ACA members and non-members; for anyone wanting to improve coastal kayaking skills.
This class will focus on the American Canoe Association Level 3 Coastal Kayaking Curriculum (see ACA Website: https://americancanoe.org/education/for-aca-instructors/course-curriculum/
Date: Saturday March 19, 9am to 5pm – paddling with plenty of rest/food breaks and on-land discussions.
Location: Charleston Waterways
Class Fee: $100 (Payment guarantees your place in class, limited to 5 students)
Registration details and questions: Call/text Bev: 914-299-0919 or email bevcosslett4@gmail.com
Take this class and 2 other L3 courses with Bev and get 50% off ACA Level 3 Skills Assessment.
Contact Information Beverly CosslettBevcosslett4@gmail.com