Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE) - ACA

Upcoming Events

04.29.24 – 05.03.24

Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)

Embudo, NM, USA

About the Course
Are you a whitewater professional looking to instruct Swiftwater Rescue Technician courses to your river crew or other professionals? The ACA has a long history of leading the industry in the best instructional guidelines for all aspects of river running and safety. This five day course is for experienced boaters and rescuers who want to become Swift Water Rescue Instructors. Instructor candidates will be assessed on Teaching Ability, Rescue Ability, Technical Knowledge and Group Management throughout this course for a final certification level.

Prerequisites for the Swiftwater Rescue Instructor Certification Workshop
Minimum 18 years old.
Must be current ACA member: Become a MEMBER or RENEW.
Current ACA Safety Education & Instruction Committee (SEIC) Dues must be paid to hold any level Instructor Certification.
Confident class III boater in whitewater discipline of choice.
Participants should have taken a ACA L4 or equivalent Swiftwater Rescue Course in the past.

Register Here

Contact Information Tommy Gram