For Outfitters & Guides - ACA
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For Outfitters & Guides

Types of Insurance Available

As one of numerous member benefits, the ACA is offering partial or comprehensive insurance for paddlesport-focused Outfitters and Guide businesses. By meeting certain criteria, you will be eligible for discounted pricing on a variety of insurance policies and related products. In addition, utilizing this insurance program will further benefit paddlers as a portion of the proceeds will be used to support the ACA’s mission of improving education, stewardship, recreation, and competition for all.

  • General liability
  • Umbrella
  • Property (building and contents)
  • Directors and Officers liability
  • Employment practices liability
  • Special event liability
  • Liquor legal liability

Process Overview

  1. Be or become an ACA Outfitter, Livery & Guide Member. Join now!
  2. Submit the Guides and Outfitters Insurance Program Application (via email) to the ACA Insurance Department.
  3. Upon ACA review and approval, work with ACA endorsed insurance broker, Buddy Insurance, to customize your specific or comprehensive insurance policy
  4. A percentage of your premium will benefit the ACA in its support of paddlesports education, stewardship, recreation, and competition.

If you have any questions, please contact the ACA Insurance Coordinator.