Coastal Kayak Courses
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
Kayak Essentials training session conducted by Silent Wake, LLC.
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
This is an introduction to kayak training session, conducted by Silent Wake, LLC.
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
This kayak Essential session is conducted by Silent Wake, LLC, an ACA OLG.
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Course
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals is a one-day jump start into the world of sea kayaking or an effective way to prepare…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Camping is available for those interested in lodging
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Update
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Course
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Participants may also request L2 Instructor Certification.
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Trip Leader Skills Assessment
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Update
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Flatwater Kayak Safety & Rescue
Venture Outdoors offers a Flatwater Kayak Safety & Rescue class! This class introduces you to the essentials of flatwater safety…
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
ICW Touring-Kayak auf dem Schluchsee. In Kooperation mit rafftaff. Weitere Infos und Anmeldung per
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Update
Coastal Kayak Level 3 Instructor Update running concurrently with a level 3 Instructor Certification Workshop. You will assist in teaching…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Coastal Kayak Level 3 Instructor Development Workshop & Exam. You would sign up for one or the other depending upon…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Coastal Kayak Level 3 Skills Assessment, required to take a Level 3 Trip Leader or Instructor Course. This course will…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
New candidates instructor course and update L2 and L3 opportunity. Please contact or +551144021541 whatsapp
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This L3 Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop is hosted by UWC Thailand, the course venue is located at the UWC…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Trip Leader Skills Assessment
This assessment serves as a prerequisite for the ACA L3 Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop. Please call Mike at (703)850-1257…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
This assessment is hosted by Fidalgo Paddlesports Please contact us for more information, including price, course specifics and to…
Level 4: Open Water Coastal Kayaking Instructor Development Workshop (IDW Only)
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Assessment
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Assessment
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Assessment
Interested paddlers can register at
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Exam (ICE)
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Update
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This will be a rigorous course and Candidates must be previously certified as L2 Instructors. You can anticipate taking your…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This progressive workshop is aimed at providing instruction techniques for skills at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, Level 2,…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
This assessment serves as a prerequisite for the ACA L3 Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop. Please call Mike at (703)850-1257…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
This assessment serves as a prerequisite for the ACA L3 Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop. Please call Mike at (703)850-1257…
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayak: Strokes & Maneuvers Refinement Skills Course
This course immediate precedes a Trip Leader Training course, intended to award an ACA L2 Trip Leader Certificate. Enrollment is…
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Trip Leader Assessment Course
This course follows and ACA Coastal Kayak Stroke and Maneuvers Refinement Skills course for those who would like to refine…
Level 3: Coastal Kayak: Strokes & Maneuvers Refinement Skills Course
This course immediate precedes a Trip Leader Training course, intended to award an ACA L2 Trip Leader Certificate. Enrollment is…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Exam (ICE Only)
This is an L3 Instructor Development Workshop. Various venues including an inland lake, as well as sites on Lake Superior…