Education & Instruction Events
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Course
On the water you will learn: • The paddlers box and body mechanics • The components of catch, propulsion, and…
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Skills Course
On the water you will learn: • The paddlers box and body mechanics • The components of catch, propulsion, and…
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
The ACA L-1, “Just The Strokes,” the on-water component of competency #1 and 2, where you will discover and learn…
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
The ACA L-1, “Just The Strokes,” the on-water component of competency #1 and 2, where you will discover and learn…
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
The ACA L-1, “Just The Strokes,” the on-water component of competency #1 and 2, where you will discover and learn…
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
The ACA L-1, “Just The Strokes,” the on-water component of competency #1 and 2, where you will discover and learn…
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
The ACA L-1, “Just The Strokes,” the on-water component of competency #1 and 2, where you will discover and learn…
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
The ACA L-1, “Just The Strokes,” the on-water component of competency #1 and 2, where you will discover and learn…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 4: Whitewater Canoeing Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This Level 3-4 Canoe Instructor Certification Workshop will be co facilitated by L4 River Canoe ITs Jordan Taylor and Jordan…
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Skills Course
This is a course available through Kayak Connection (titled Coastal Sea Kayaking 1&2 via Kayak Connection).
Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Skills Course
Level 4: Whitewater Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This is a five day course that can certify kayakers who have not previously held instructor certifications. It can also…
Level 3: Rafting – Oar Skills Course
Level 2: Essentials of Rafting – Oar Skills Course
Level 2: Essentials of Stand Up Paddleboarding Skills Course
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Exam (ICE Only)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Exam (ICE Only)
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Exam (ICE Only)
Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Skills Course
Level 3: Coastal Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Update
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 4: Swiftwater Rescue Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This course is an American Canoe Association (ACA) Level 3-4 Safety & Rescue 6 day Instructor Certification Workshop (ICW). Course…
Level 4: Whitewater Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
This Level 3-4 Kayak Instructor Certification Workshop will be facilitated by L4 River Kayak ITEJordan Taylor. We will work in…
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Level 4: Open Water Coastal Kayaking Skills Course
Level 2: Essentials of River Kayaking Skills Course
River essentials class is ideal for those with flatwater paddling experience wanting to take their skills to the next level.…
Kayak Rolling Skills Course
Kayak Rolling Skills Course
Kayak Rolling Skills Course
Level 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop (IDW/ICE)
Kayak Fishing Endorsement Course
A one-day Endorsement course offered in conjunction with a L1-2 Coastal Kayak ICW the three days prior, and L3 ICW…