Sprint - ACA
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Olympic & Paralympic


Nevin Harrison – Silver Medalist in Women’s C1 200m
Aaron Small and Jonas Ecker – 8th Place in Men’s K2 500m 

Powerful athletes race head-to-head on a beautiful 9-lane course in narrow, high-speed canoes and kayaks. Olympic Flatwater Sprint Racing combines grace, power, fitness, exact paddling mechanics, and tremendous mental strength in three distances – 200m, 500m, and 1000m. First introduced in the 1924 Paris Olympic Games, Canoe/Kayak Sprint became a full medal sport in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.  Sprint Canoe/Kayak represents one of the largest Olympic sports with 10 events.

Nevin Harrison, Paris Games, 2024

Nevin Harrison, Silver Medalist, Paris Games, 2024

Athletes are seated and use a paddle with a blade at each end in Kayak events while racing in one-person (K1), two-person (K2), and four-person (K4) boats. Canoe events, in single (C1) and double (C2), are characterized by a single-bladed paddle and are raced from the powerful high-knee position. Four person canoes (C4) are also raced at the annual World Championships.

The USA has won 7 Gold, 5 Silver, and 6 Bronze Olympic Medals in Sprint. Nevin Harrison (pictured above) is the current Olympic Silver Medalist, an Olympic Gold Medalist, and a World Champion in C1 200, making her one of the World’s Fastest Women in a Canoe.  For complete Olympic Canoeing Results please see these Race Archives.


Sprint is governed by the Sprint Competition Committee (SCC).  Learn more about the SCC, see its current membership, view the sprint racing rules, and read meeting minutes.

National Team Coaching Staff

Joseph Harper

Canoe Coach, Joseph Harper


Sprint Competitions

2024 USA Canoe Sprint Senior Women's National Team

2024 USA Canoe Sprint Senior Men's National Team

Sprint Document Library


Bylaws of the Sprint Coaches Association

Size: 74.40 KB
Date added: 11-05-2024
Date modified: 11-05-2024

Sprint Competition Committee Bylaws-v1-0

Size: 62.39 KB
Date added: 12-05-2023
Date modified: 12-05-2023

ACA Sprint Racing Rules (2023)

Version: ACA Sprint Racing Rules (2023)-20230622
Size: 645.88 KB
Date added: 06-21-2023
Date modified: 05-07-2024

Olympic Results 1924-2018

Size: 17.03 KB
Date added: 03-27-2023
Date modified: 03-07-2024